I am fascinated with the process of producing chain maille.  Taking a medium as strong as metal wire and being able to make something as fluid and soft consistently surprises and delights me.  Working mostly with silver, copper and aluminum wire I produce my own rings using a wide variety of steel mandrels and a power saw.  Once the rings are cut, tumbled and sorted I can begin to create the jewelry you see on this web site.  I enjoy taking a weave and working it in unexpected  sizes, extremely small or overly large, as it changes not only the appearance but the feel and energy of the piece as well.  Color is used in my work not only to change a weaves appearance but to also create a playfulness or drama.

My Story

 Art has always been a part of my life.  Growing up in Ft. Wayne, Indiana my Aunt, Samia Halaby, was a huge influence.  Her paintings and independent life was something I wanted to emulate.  But painting, it turned out, was not a medium I was ever able to get comfortable with.  So the journey began.  During my years at the College of Wooster I minored in art and had the opportunity to play with print making, drawing, and sculptor but nothing grabbed my attention for very long.  Many years later I came across a chain maille class being offered at a local bead store near my home and decided to give it a try.  I suppose you could say the rest is history.  I fell in love with the medium!  Mostly self taught I began a journey that has brought me to this point.  I am a chapter - juried member of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsman and currently serving as President of the Yellow Breeches Chapter of the PA Guild.


 This web site offers a pretty fair representation of the type of work that I do.  However, I love to do special orders.  Use the Contact page to reach out to me for special requests, custom orders or inquiries.  Most any piece you see can be produced in the metal of your choice and colored rings can be used in most weaves for the extra something or to match a special outfit.  The festivals and shows that I participated are listed out on the Events page.   New weaves will be introduced monthly on the Blog page.